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  1. 19 de mar. de 2011 · Exodus, or the voluntary prisoners of architecture. March 19, 2011 by Fosco Lucarelli 26 Comments. Rem Koolhaas ‘ 1972 Architectural Association thesis (together with Madelon Vreisendorp, Elia Zenghelis, and Zoe Zenghelis). Like in West Berlin at the time, the Wall becomes here a condition of freedom by self imprisonment.

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  2. Koolhaas presented Exodus as his thesis project at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London in 1972. The project was a collaborative effort between Koolhaas, Greek architect Elia Zenghelis, Dutch artist Madelon Vriesendorp, and Greek painter Zoe Zenghelis.

  3. Projeto “Exodus". Autores: R. Koolhaas, M. Vriesendorp, E. Zenghelis e Z. Zenghelis. Capa da edição n. 378 da revista Casabella (jun. 1973) mostrando o detalhe de uma das colagens do Projeto Exodus. Fonte (s): CASABELLA. Disponível em < >. Acesso em 11 out. 2015.

  4. Em 1972, na tentativa de expor uma visão critica a sociedade da época, o arquiteto holandês Rem Koolhas criou Exodus, uma experiência arquitetônica que conceitualmente despiria a sociedade de suas máscaras, aceitando voluntários ao aprisionamento.

  5. Rem Koolhaas nasceu em Rotterdam em 1944, passou parte da infância na Indonésia (1950-6) e Amsterdã (1958-62) e trabalhou como jornalista no Haggse Post (1968-72), antes de estudar na Architectural Association em Londres. Ganhou experiência prática na Universidade Cornell com o pós-modernista Oswald Mathias Ungers (1972-73).

  6. 6 de set. de 2012 · His final project at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London was a Ballardian series of 18 drawings, watercolors, and collages called “Exodus, or the Voluntary Prisoners of Architecture,” which, according to the Smithsonian Magazine, galleries and museums ask to borrow more often than anything else in MoMA ...

  7. Rem Koolhaas, Madelon Vreisendorp, Elia Zenghelis, and Zoe Zenghelis (1972) Once, a city was divided in two parts. One part became the Good Half, the other part the Bad Half. The inhabitants of the Bad Half began to flock to the good part of the divided city, rapidly swelling into an urban exodus.