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  1. Há 1 dia · Ouvi dizer que isso se transformou em um jogo muito bom." Spencer parece muito autoconsciente dos possíveis erros que cometeu. "Tomei algumas das piores decisões de escolha de jogo", disse ele. Mas, não parece que ele se arrependa muito. "Tento olhar para frente e ser positivo sobre as coisas que estamos fazendo." Uma ótima perspectiva lá ...

  2. Há 1 dia · I hear that turned into a pretty good game." Spencer seems very self-aware of the potential mistakes he's made. "I've made some of the worst game-choice decisions," he said. But, it doesn't seem like he holds any major regrets. "I try to look forward and be positive about the things that we are doing." A great outlook there, Phil.

  3. Há 1 dia · Spencer parece muy consciente de los posibles errores que ha cometido. "He tomado algunas de las peores decisiones de elección de juego" dijo. Pero no parece que tenga grandes remordimientos ...

  4. Há 1 dia · September 3, 2024. Gaming News has hit the Xbox community with a stirring post from Phil Spencer, the Xbox chief, who recently stated, ‘I’ve made some of the worst game choice decisions.’. This admission has ignited a passionate debate among gamers on Reddit, reflecting feelings of disappointment and concern about Xbox’s future.

  5. Há 1 dia · Microsoft Gaming CEO Phil Spencer was featured in an hour-long interview with Andrea Rene at PAX West, speaking on several subjects mostly related to his history in the gaming industry. Arguably ...

  6. Há 1 dia · Mientras tanto, Phil Spencer —máximo responsable de la división— ha conversado sobre Bungie, las exclusividades y algunas decisiones que ha tomado a lo largo de su carrera al frente de la ...

  7. Há 1 dia · Xbox-Chef Phil Spencer gibt zu, im Laufe seiner Karriere schlechte Entscheidungen getroffen zu haben. So hat er das Potenzial hinter Destiny und Guitar Hero nicht erkannt. Destiny und Guitar Hero ...