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  1. Discover Benjamin Disraeli famous and rare quotes. Share inspirational quotes by Benjamin Disraeli and quotations about politics and country. "The world is governed by very different personages..."

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  2. 163 quotes from Benjamin Disraeli: 'There are three types of lies -- lies, damn lies, and statistics.', 'Time is precious, but truth is more precious than time.', and 'The best way to become acquainted with a subject is to write about it.

  3. Find and share inspirational quotes by Benjamin Disraeli, a British statesman and novelist. Browse topics such as courage, action, love, politics, and more.

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  4. Frases de Benjamin Disraeli. Benjamin Disraeli, 1.º Conde de Beaconsfield KG, PC, FRS foi um político Conservador britânico, escritor, aristocrata e Primeiro-Ministro do Reino Unido em duas ocasiões. Ele teve papel central na criação do Partido Conservador moderno, definindo suas políticas e ampla divulgação.

    • 1820s
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    • 1880s

    Cathedral High Mass. Clouds of incense and one of Mozart's sublimest masses by an orchestra before which San Carlo might grow pale. The effect inconceivably grand. The host raised, and I flung myse...

    To govern men, you must either excel them in their accomplishments, or despise them.
    For a week I was in a scene equal to anything in the Arabian Nights—such processions, such dresses, such corteges of horsemen, such caravans of camels. Then the delight of being made much of by a m...
    I am quite a Turk, wear a turban, smoke a pipe six feet long, and squat on a divan. Mehemet Pasha told me that he did not think I was an Englishman because I walked so slow: in fact I find the habi...
    The life of this people greatly accords with my taste, which is naturally somewhat indolent and melancholy... To repose on voluptuous ottomans and smoke superb pipes, daily to indulge in the luxuri...
    I am neither Whig nor Tory. My politics are described by one word, and that word is ENGLAND.
    I shall withhold my support from every Ministry which will not originate some great measure to ameliorate the condition of the lower orders.

    I am not ashamed or afraid to say that I wish more sympathy had been shown on both sides towards the Chartists... I am not ashamed to say that I sympathise with millions of my fellow-subjects.

    Considering that all our institutions spring from the land—considering that the Throne, that the estates of the realm, that the great scheme of our judicial institutions, the inheritance of the poo...

    This shows how much easier it is to be critical than to be correct.
    It is fourteen years ago since yourself, then the leader of the country gentlemen...appealed to me to assist you at a moment of apparently overwhelming disaster. I ultimately agreed to do so...beca...
    A wise Government, allying itself with religion, would, as it were, consecrate society and sanctify the State. But how is this to be done? It is the problem of modern politics which has always most...
    He seems to think that posterity is a pack-horse, always ready to be loaded.
    To build up a community, not upon Liberal opinions, which any man may fashion to his fancy, but upon popular principles, which assert equal rights, civil and religious; to uphold the institutions o...
    The English people are, without exception, the most enthusiastic people in the world. There are more excitable races. The French, the Italians, are much more excitable; but for deep and fervid feel...
    Nobody is forgotten, when it is convenient to remember him.
    I have no doubt that the distinguished men who negotiated that Treaty, as the representatives of the great Liberal party, were influenced in the course they took by the traditions of English policy...
    They [the novels] recognised imagination in the government of nations as a quality not less important than reason. They trusted much to a popular sentiment, which rested on an heroic tradition and...
    [L]ittle more than a year after the publication of CONINGSBY, the secession of DR. NEWMAN dealt a blow to the Church of England under which it still reels. That extraordinary event has been "apolog...
    I think the author who speaks about his own books is almost as bad as a mother who talks about her own children.
    This war represents the German Revolution, a greater political event than the French Revolution of last century — I don't say a greater, or as great, a social event. What its social consequences ma...

    [A] danger, in its ultimate results scarcely less disastrous than pestilence and famine...distracts that country [Ireland]. A portion of its population is attempting to sever the constitutional tie...

  5. Frases, textos, pensamentos, poesias e poemas de Benjamin Disraeli. Benjamin Disraeli (1804 - 1881) foi um político e escritor britânico. Foi Primeiro-Ministro do Reino...

  6. 21 de dez. de 2017 · Frases, citações e aforismos de Benjamin Disraeli. 49 em português. Filtre por tema. atitudes (6) caráter (5) experiência (5) política (5) ignorância (4) tempo (4) compreensão (3) idade (3) ironia (3) oportunidades (3) sucesso (3) amar (2) amor (2) bondade (2) dúvida (2) educação (2)