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  1. Há 1 dia · Been searching for ways to output HDMI audio from bare metal code and found a thread [1] with some ideas. Since that thread is rather old and I have questions that I cannot ask there I decided to start a new one.

  2. Há 23 minutos · Comparison of shopping cart software. The following is a comparison of the features of notable shopping cart software packages available. Some such shopping cart software is extensible through third-party software components and applications. As such, the features listed below may not encompass all possible features for a given software package.

  3. Há 23 minutos · Worktile官方账号. 要在服务器上下载QQ软件,可以按照以下步骤操作:. 连接到服务器:使用SSH(Secure Shell)连接到服务器。. SSH是一种安全的远程访问协议,可以通过终端或SSH客户端程序连接到服务器。. 输入服务器的IP地址、用户名和密码,即可与服务器建立 ...

  4. Há 23 minutos · Debian安装docker 1.使用官方脚本自动安装docker 安装命令如下: curl -fsSL -o get-docker.shsudo sh 如果安装提示 -bash sudo command not found 则需要 #update sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install sudo再执行…

  5. Há 23 minutos · 要查看服务器谁登录过,可以通过以下几个步骤完成: 查看系统日志:登录服务器后,系统会自动生成日志记录用户登录信息。

  6. Há 1 dia · Hi. When uploading a video to google drive using my smartphone, I can find the video inside the google drive app. But when using Bionic Puppy 64bit I can't find it in my google drive account.

  7. Há 1 dia · Envoyer un commentaire. Suivre le flux des commentaires. Note : les commentaires appartiennent à celles et ceux qui les ont postés. Nous n’en sommes pas responsables.