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  1. How would you spend 100 billion dollars? Choose from a variety of items, from Big Macs to Boeing 747s, and see how much money you have left. is a website that creates fun and creative games for everyone.

  2. 6 de abr. de 2024 · Dive into the Spend Bill Gates Money game and experience the thrill of making lavish purchases with 100 billion dollars. Unleash your imagination, explore endless possibilities, and see how you’d shape your own billionaire lifestyle.

    • spend bill gates money neal fun1
    • spend bill gates money neal fun2
    • spend bill gates money neal fun3
    • spend bill gates money neal fun4
    • spend bill gates money neal fun5
  3. Games, visualizations, interactives and other weird stuff. Hi! I'm Neal. This is where I make stuff on the web. Obligatory links:

  4. Ever wondered what it would be like to spend Bill Gates' money? Check out NEAL.FUN for a hilarious game where you can do just that! See how fast you can blow...

    • 1 min
    • 230
    • CalebPlayzGamesBruv
  5. Play a web game that lets you use Bill Gates' money to buy anything you want. Explore the virtual marketplace, indulge in opulent purchases, and experience the billionaire lifestyle in this playful simulation.

  6. Spend Bill GatesMoney is a fascinating and entertaining online simulation developed by Neal Fun. It invites users to explore the immense wealth of one of the world’s richest individuals, Bill Gates, by giving them a virtual budget of his net worth to spend on a wide range of items.

  7. Drive Worldwide Change: Holding up an imaginary fortune in virtual money just like Bill Gates himself, there are significant decisions ahead. Will you back cutting-edge technology, support health campaigns akin to those by Bill & Melinda gates foundation or other charitable endeavors?

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