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  1. Mary Allen Wilkes (born September 25, 1937) is a lawyer, former computer programmer and logic designer, known for her work with the LINC computer, now recognized by many as the world's first "personal computer".

  2. Mary Allen Wilkes (nascida em 25 de setembro de 1937 em Chicago no Illinois) é programadora e designer de software, conhecida por seu trabalho com o computador LINC (in) (Laboratory Instrument Computer), considerado o primeiro computador pessoal.

  3. Mary Allen Wilkes, nascida em 25 de setembro de 1937, na cidade de Chicago, Illinois (EUA), é uma grande figura feminina que desafiou expectativas e fez contribuições significativas para a área da computação [1].

  4. 4 de fev. de 2016 · Mary Allen Wilkes is a well-known computer scientist, famous for being the first person to use a home computer that she built herself. She is also one of the few women computer engineers who made her mark in what was a very male-dominated field in the 1950s and 60s.

  5. 13 de fev. de 2019 · A s a teenager in Maryland in the 1950s, Mary Allen Wilkes had no plans to become a software pioneer — she dreamed of being a litigator. One day in junior high in 1950, though, her geography...

  6. Oral History of Mary Allen Wilkes, part 1 of 2. Interviewed by David C. Brock on 2021-07-28 in Cambridge, MA © Computer History Museum In the first part of her oral history, Mary Allen...

  7. 2 de out. de 2023 · Mary Allen Wilkes was a renowned computer scientist who gained recognition for building her home computer, a feat that placed her among the pioneers of computing

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