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  1. If so do I really need to build Essence with this rune combo as the build path to essence seems a bit meh, but so do most crit components now at least early if im not farming perfect or getting kills. I am also wondering if the new bork is also good on lucian as it seems like a strong item too.

  2. 10 de jan. de 2024 · One way will be the og forgiven build with ie and phantom dancer maybe kraken rush. The other way will probably be essence reaver into navori with berserk boots, or kraken into navori with cdr boots. Terminus will be great addition for 3rd - 4rd item choice for penetration alternative.

  3. 19 de abr. de 2024 · But it does play differently than QB Lucian, spacing and threat assessment need to be correct because you are playing to squeak in as many AA's as you can with his range. But as you said, itemization on Lucian is actually the wild west right now. Build what you want, items are far less important than how well you play him.

  4. 28 de out. de 2023 · I tried so many builds with lucian the best one I found is: Kraken - Navori - BT - LDR - last one you can go with any situational item you want or you can buy any of it sooner. for boots berserker greaves is ok but it depends on matchup steelcap and lucidity or mercury is fine too About stormrazer it's fine item on lucian but I don't think lucian need it that much because you have that ms ...

  5. 19 de mai. de 2020 · The incontestable best build for URF Lucian is 4 IE, 1 BT, sell boots for LDR. Nothing else gets even close to the DPS and burst this outputs.

  6. 12 de fev. de 2023 · I've been studying some ADC's builds and althought Lucian like some CDR to spam his skills and proc his passive more times, i've seen way more crit builds than on-hit builds and i was kinda curious about which type of build currently is stronger

  7. 18 de mai. de 2024 · What’s the Lucian build this season with nami support? Is it still statik in to rapid fire with first strike?

  8. 29 de abr. de 2022 · Mid build has better early spikes, also lethality mildly scales with champion levels. Mid you want to impact early- not to be ruined late by your double ADC comp. ADC build is more expensive but scales better, cheaper if magical footwear. ADC role wants to reliably scale into the game, but ofc Lucian is early ADC.

  9. 24 de mai. de 2022 · I'd love play w/ Lucian in the mid, solo or ADC. I'd like to know what is the best build to him. Critical or dam

  10. 3 de jan. de 2022 · Next powerspike is around 4th item or level 11. Past level 11 there’s not a lot Lucian can do to keep up unless you are already ahead. Lucian’s kit is made for early game even though he can still be strong late I think it really depends on what champions you are facing. Always try to know when you should go in and when you can’t.

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