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  1. 18 de jun. de 2016 · A photograph taken in Syria in 2013 shows Senator John McCain posing with a commander of a Syrian opposition group, not ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

  2. 12 de set. de 2014 · Nurtured by conspiracy blogposts, social media and photo-altering tricks, the false rumors of Mr. McCains relationship with ISIS have taken on a life of their own.

  3. 18 de nov. de 2015 · The New York Times lays out the relevant facts: The rumors are based partly on images of a Syrian fighter who resembles Mr. Baghdadi, seen in photographs with Mr. McCain — some originally posted on Twitter by the senator — during his visit in May 2013 to northern Syria.

  4. 31 de dez. de 2014 · Those who said al-Baghdadi was released by Obama in 2009 included Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain, some leading newspapers and a spate of conservative pundits. For some, it fit into what...

  5. During her captivity, she was reportedly forced into marriage with al-Baghdadi, during which time she was repeatedly raped, tortured, and physically abused. She was confirmed dead in early February 2015, reportedly murdered by al-Baghdadi himself.

  6. 19 de out. de 2014 · Nesta fotografia, difundida em maio de 2013, para provar o seu encontro com o Estado-maior do Exército Sírio Livre, vemos o senador McCain a conversar com um indivíduo de múltiplas identidades ...

  7. 17 de fev. de 2021 · Seu líder, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, foi morto em uma operação militar dos EUA, e eles ficaram encurralados em uma pequena faixa de terra em Baghuz, às margens do rio Eufrates.