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Environmental Pollution is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes high quality research papers and review articles about all aspects of environmental pollution and its effects on ecosystems and human health.
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- Volume 333
21 de fev. de 2024 · Learn what environmental pollution is, how it affects human health and ecosystems, and what are its main sources and types. Find out how pollution can be classified by its extent, origin, and degradability.
- Air Pollution Is One of The World's Leading Risk Factors For Death
- Air Pollution Is One of The Leading Risk Factors For Disease Burden
- Who Is Most Affected by Air Pollution?
- How Are Death Rates from Air Pollution Changing?
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Air pollution is responsible for millions of deaths each year
Air pollution – the combination of outdoor and indoor particulate matter and ozone – is a risk factor for many of the leading causes of death, including heart disease, stroke, lower respiratory infections, lung cancer, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), in its Global Burden of Disease study, provides estimates of the number of deaths attributed to the range of risk factors for disease.1 In the visualization, we s...
Air pollution is one of the leading risk factors for death. But its impacts go even further; it is also one of the main contributors to the global disease burden. Global disease burden takes into account not only years of life lost to early death but also the number of years lived in poor health. In the visualization, we see risk factors ranked in ...
Death rates from air pollution are highest in low-to-middle-income countries
Air pollution is a health and environmental issue across all countries of the world but with large differences in severity. In the interactive map, we show death rates from air pollution across the world, measured as the number of deaths per 100,000 people in a given country or region. The burden of air pollution tends to be greater across both low and middle-income countries for two reasons: indoor pollution rates tend to be high in low-income countries due to a reliance on solid fuels for c...
Death rates from air pollution are falling – mainly due to improvements in indoor pollution
In the visualization, we show global death rates from air pollution over time – shown as the total air pollution – in addition to the individual contributions from outdoor and indoor pollution. Globally, we see that in recent decades, the death rates from total air pollution have declined: since 1990, death rateshave nearly halved. But, as we see from the breakdown, this decline has been primarily driven by improvements in indoor air pollution. Death rates from indoor air pollution have seen...
Learn about the global health and environmental impacts of indoor and outdoor air pollution, and how they vary by country and region. Explore interactive charts and maps, and see how air pollution has changed over time.
17 de out. de 2024 · Pollution, addition of any substance or form of energy to the environment at a rate faster than it can be dispersed or stored in a harmless form. The major kinds of pollution are usually classified by environment and include air, water, and land pollution. Learn more about the history of pollution.
22 de set. de 2021 · WHO updates its guidelines on air quality levels for 6 pollutants, based on new evidence of the damage air pollution inflicts on human health. The guidelines aim to save millions of lives and enhance climate change mitigation efforts, but face challenges in low- and middle-income countries.
Pollution, through air, freshwater and ocean contamination, accumulates toxic chemicals in the food chain, harming humans and animals. Biological and chemical pollutants also increase antimicrobial resistance .
20 de out. de 2024 · Learn how the UN is coordinating a global plan to eradicate all forms of pollution by 2030 and achieve the SDGs. Explore the different forms of pollution and viable solutions to fight their impact on health and environment.