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  1. Stanisław Marcin Ulam (Leópolis, 13 de abril de 1909 — Santa Fé, 13 de maio de 1984) foi um cientista polonês-americano nas áreas de matemática e física nuclear.

  2. Stanisław Ulam - Wikipedia. Stanisław Marcin Ulam (Polish: [sta'ɲiswaf 'mart͡ɕin 'ulam]; 13 April 1909 – 13 May 1984) was a Polish mathematician, nuclear physicist and computer scientist.

  3. Learn about Stanislaw Ulam, a Polish-born American mathematician who worked on the hydrogen bomb and the Monte Carlo method. Find out his achievements, specialties, and the Ulam spiral he created.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. 29 de mar. de 2023 · Stanisław Marcin Ulam (Lemberg, Áustria-Hungria, 13 de abril de 1909 – Santa Fé, Novo México, 13 de maio de 1984), foi um dos principais matemáticos do país e uma figura-chave no desenvolvimento das bombas atômica e de hidrogênio. O Dr. Ulam era natural de Lvov, Polônia, e fez mestrado e doutorado no Instituto Politécnico de lá.

  5. Learn about the life and achievements of Stan Ulam, a Polish-American mathematician who solved the problem of how to initiate fusion in the hydrogen bomb and devised the Monte-Carlo method. Explore his early interest in astronomy and physics, his studies in Lwów and Warsaw, his emigration to the USA, and his collaborations with other mathematicians.

  6. Stan Ulam (1909 – 1984) foi um matemático polaco. Em 1935 Ulam recebeu um convite de von Neumann para visitar o Institute for Advanced Study em Princeton por alguns meses. No instituto conheceu Birkhoff, que o convidou para a Universidade de Harvard. Ulam referiu sobre este tempo: “...

  7. Learn about the life and work of Stanislaw Ulam, a Polish-American mathematician who made significant contributions to the Manhattan Project and the theory of nuclear chain reactions. Find out how he developed the Monte Carlo Method, challenged Edward Teller's hydrogen bomb design, and explored the applications of mathematics to physics and biology.

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