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  1. Switzerland's economy was marred by slow growth in the 1990s, having the weakest economic growth in Western Europe. The economy was affected by a three-year recession from 1991 to 1993, when the economy contracted by 2%. The contraction also became apparent in Switzerland's energy consumption and export growth rates.

  2. 6 de mai. de 2024 · Unlike most German country names (that are usually neuter), Schweiz is feminine, and requires the use of the definite article: Die Schweiz findet man in den Alpen. One finds Switzerland in the Alps. In der Schweiz wird Deutsch, Französisch, Italienisch und Rätoromanisch gesprochen. In Switzerland German, French, Italian and Romansch are spoken.

  3. Kategorie. : Schweiz. Portal: Schweiz – Übersicht zu Wikipedia-Inhalten zum Thema Schweiz. Commons: Schweiz – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien. Dateien: Schweiz – lokale Sammlung von Bildern und Mediendateien.

  4. The 26 cantons of Switzerland [1] are the member states of the Swiss Confederation. The nucleus of the Swiss Confederacy in the form of the first three confederate allies used to be referred to as the Waldstätte. Two important periods in the development of the Old Swiss Confederacy are summarized by the terms Acht Orte ('Eight Cantons'; from ...

  5. A Suíça é um país sem costa marítima cujo território é dividido geograficamente entre o Jura, o Planalto Suíço e os Alpes, somando uma área de 41 285 km². A população suíça é de aproximadamente 8,5 milhões de habitantes e concentra-se principalmente no planalto, onde estão localizadas as maiores cidades do país.

  6. The four national languages of Switzerland are German, French, Italian, and Romansh. [3] German, French, and Italian maintain equal status as official languages at the national level within the Federal Administration of the Swiss Confederation, while Romansh is used in dealings with people who speak it. [4]

  7. Der Malerweg in der Sächsischen Schweiz ist einer der schönsten Wanderwege in ganz Deutschland. Die dramatische Sandsteinlandschaft wird dich bei jedem neuen Ausblick in ihren Bann ziehen, wie sie es schon seit hunderten von Jahren tut. Der Wanderweg folgt dem überlieferten Malerweg, über den Künstler wie Caspar David Friedrich, Ludwig Richter und Bernardo Bellotto die einzigartige Natur ...