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Biografia de Sam Walton, fundador dos varejistas Walmart e Sam's Club, que se tornou o maior magnata dos negócios dos EUA. Saiba sobre sua infância, carreira, família, fortuna e prêmios.
Samuel Moore Walton (March 29, 1918 – April 5, 1992) was an American business magnate best known for founding the retailers Walmart and Sam's Club, which he started in Rogers, Arkansas and Midwest City, Oklahoma in 1962 and 1983 respectively.
5 de jun. de 2024 · O mundo do varejo testemunhou uma transformação sísmica nas últimas décadas, e ninguém personifica essa revolução de maneira mais icônica do que Sam Walton, o visionário fundador do Walmart.
Learn about Sam Walton's life, vision and legacy as the creator of Walmart, the world's largest retailer. Discover his 10 rules for building a better business and how he changed the face of retail with his values and innovations.
2 de abr. de 2014 · Sam Walton was an American businessman best known for founding the retail chain Walmart, which grew to be the world’s largest corporation.
Conheça a biografia de Sam Walton, o empreendedor norte-americano que criou duas das maiores redes de supermercados do mundo. Saiba sobre sua trajetória, seus negócios e sua morte em 1992.
24 de set. de 2024 · Sam Walton, American retail magnate who in 1962 founded Walmart, which became the largest retail sales chain in the United States and one of the biggest corporations in the world. He also established Sam’s Wholesale Club (1983).