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  1. Philipp Lenard foi um físico alemão nascido na Hungria, premiado com o Nobel de Física de 1905 por suas contribuições sobre os raios catódicos. Ele foi um defensor do nazismo e criticou Einstein e o relativismo, sendo expulso da Universidade de Heidelberg em 1945.

  2. Philipp Lenard was a Hungarian-German physicist who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1905 for his work on cathode rays and the photoelectric effect. He was also a nationalist and anti-Semite who supported Hitler and criticized Einstein's theory of relativity.

  3. Philipp Lenard was a German physicist who discovered the Lenard window and studied the photoelectric effect. He received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1905 for his work on cathode rays and the electron theory of matter.

  4. 4 de out. de 2018 · Conheça a vida e a obra de Philipp Lenard, físico alemão que ganhou o Nobel por seus estudos sobre os raios catódicos e o efeito fotoelétrico. Saiba também sobre sua oposição à ciência judaica, ao nazismo e à física moderna.

  5. Conheça a vida e o trabalho de Philipp Lenard, físico alemão nascido na Hungria e vencedor do Prêmio Nobel de Física em 1905. Saiba como ele realizou experimentos com raios catódicos e fotoelétricos, e como ele se tornou um apoiador do nazismo e crítico de Einstein.

  6. Philipp Lenard was a German physicist and recipient of the 1905 Nobel Prize for Physics for his research on cathode rays and the discovery of many of their properties. His results had important implications for the development of electronics and nuclear physics.

  7. Philipp Lenard was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on cathode rays, which led to the discovery of electrons and X-rays. He proved that cathode rays were not electromagnetic by studying them outside the glass tube with a thin aluminum window.

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