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  1. Julia Hall Bowman Robinson (St. Louis, 8 de dezembro de 1919 — Oakland, 30 de julho de 1985) foi uma matemática norte-americana conhecida por seu trabalho em problemas de decisão e problemas de Hilbert.

  2. Julia Robinson (1919-1985) was a pioneer in computability theory and computational complexity theory, especially in decision problems. She worked on Hilbert's tenth problem, game theory, and the MRDP theorem, and was a MacArthur Fellow and a Noether Lecture speaker.

  3. 22 de nov. de 2019 · Julia Robinson was a mathematician who made significant contributions to the solution of Hilbert's 10th problem, a challenge posed by David Hilbert in 1900. She was the first woman to be elected to the National Academy of Sciences and the American Mathematical Society, and she overcame health challenges and isolation to pursue her passion for mathematics.

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  4. Julia Hall Bowman Robinson (San Luis, Misuri, 8 de diciembre de 1919-Oakland, California, 30 de julio de 1985) fue una matemática estadounidense. Hizo sus estudios universitarios en la Universidad de California, Berkeley, donde recibió el doctorado en 1948.

  5. 16 de ago. de 2018 · Conoce la vida y obra de Julia Bowman Robinson, una de las primeras mujeres en estudiar matemáticas en Estados Unidos. Descubre cómo resolvió problemas difíciles como el décimo problema de Hilbert y la hipótesis de Robinson, y cómo colaboró con otros matemáticos como Matiyasevich y Nash.

  6. Julia Robinson (1919-1985) was a pioneer in the fields of Diophantine equations, decidability, and Hilbert's tenth problem. She was the first woman elected to the US National Academy of Sciences and the American Mathematical Society, and received many honors and awards for her work.

  7. 26 de jan. de 2019 · Watch trailer. Genres: Documentary. Duration: 54 minutes. Availability: Worldwide. A one-hour biographical documentary, Julia Robinson and Hilbert's Tenth Problem tells the story of an important American mathematician against a background of mathematical ideas.

    • 6 min
    • 901
    • Zala Films