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Há 3 dias · Com John Sculley à frente da companhia, Jobs lamentava o que considerava uma guinada negativa nos rumos da empresa. No contexto da década de 90, com a Apple perdendo fatia de mercado e receita, Jobs chegou a afirmar que a empresa “perdeu para a Microsoft porque Sculley insistiu em ordenhar todos os lucros possíveis, em vez de melhorar o produto e torná-lo acessível”.
Há 4 dias · All of the executive board members hated it. John Sculley, the CEO, even wanted to fire that ad agency. But Jobs thought it was a work of art. He knew the power of the curiosity gap and was willing to bet all his bucks on it. Sculley didn’t want the ad to be shown. But Jobs jumped in and told the ad agency to lie to Sculley.
Há 2 dias · But things took a different turn. I had the chance to have dinner with John Sculley, the former CEO of Apple and Pepsi. During our conversation, I mentioned the idea of starting a wearables company, which seemed like a fun venture. “To my surprise, John Sculley said, ‘Sure, let’s do it.’ I was shocked—he wanted to be a co-founder!
Há 5 dias · —John Sculley, September 2024. Fast forward half a century, and we are standing at another transformative and even more powerful moment in the history of human-technology interaction.
Há 2 dias · Imagine what they'll do once we can tell them how to run their companies like Steve Jobs instead of John Sculley. There are two ways to read this: One pithy, and one ( reluctantly ) profound. The first—and the way that it seems to be getting digested by much of the internet—is that founder mode is itself a new set of rules.
Há 4 dias · In contrast, John Sculley, a marketing expert from Pepsi, initially focused on cost management and aggressive marketing, but struggled with maintaining Apple's innovative edge without deep technical expertise.
Há 3 dias · – John Sculley 11 – “O único lugar onde o sucesso vem antes do trabalho é no dicionário.” – Vidal Sassoon 12 – “Empreender é aprender a cada erro e tentar novamente com mais sabedoria.” – Richard Branson 13 – “O dinheiro não é o objetivo.