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  1. Há 1 dia · Bernoulli number

  2. Há 4 dias · This distribution was derived by Jacob Bernoulli. He considered the case where p = r/(r + s) where p is the probability of success and r and s are positive integers. Blaise Pascal had earlier considered the case where p = 1/2, tabulating the corresponding binomial coefficients in what is now recognized as Pascal's triangle. [45]

  3. Há 5 dias · In May 1690, in a paper published in Acta Eruditorum, Jacob Bernoulli showed that the problem of determining the isochrone is equivalent to solving a first-order nonlinear differential equation.

  4. Há 4 dias · Recursive calculations and proofs with complete induction were already known before Dedekind, for example by Franziskus Maurolicus, Blaise Pascal and Jakob Bernoulli. In England, Lady Ada Lovelace developed a program for recursive calculations of Bernoulli numbers on the unfinished mechanical calculator planned by Charles Babbage since 1822, which he called the Analytical Engine.

  5. Há 2 dias · For now, for the sake of our sanity, hope the Cowboys are going with Bernoulli even if we know by mid January what they’ve really done is confirm Einstein had the Cowboys pegged. This story was ...

  6. Há 2 dias · From a young age, Euler received schooling in mathematics from his father, who had taken courses from Jacob Bernoulli some years earlier at the University of Basel. Around the age of eight, Euler was sent to live at his maternal grandmother's house and enrolled in the Latin school in Basel.

  7. Há 5 dias · The n th Bernoulli number is expressed as B n. Task show the Bernoulli numbers B 0 through B 60. suppress the output of values which are equal to zero. (Other than B 1 , all odd Bernoulli numbers have a value of zero.) express the Bernoulli numbers as fractions (most are improper fractions).