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  1. The modern German alphabet's based on the Latin alphabet, consisting of 26 base letters. A little German Extrawurst , special treatment, has been added in the form of four more letters called die Umlaute ä, ö, ü and the ß , sharp s, which is pronounced as double s, eg. in beißen , to bite , or

  2. The Gothic alphabet is an alphabet used for writing the Gothic language. It was developed in the 4th century AD by Ulfilas (or Wulfila), a Gothic preacher of Cappadocian Greek descent, for the purpose of translating the Bible. [1] The alphabet essentially uses uncial forms of the Greek alphabet, with a few additional letters to express Gothic ...

  3. 21 de dez. de 2023 · Welcome to Introduction to German, part of Foreign Language Learning and Language and Literature school. The aim of this beginner level course is to tell you about the basics of German, no prior knowledge is required. However it helps if you are good at English (used in this guide!) and know some grammar, like the difference between "plural ...

  4. It was devised by the International Phonetic Association in the late 19th century as a standardized representation of speech sounds in written form. [1] The IPA is used by lexicographers, foreign language students and teachers, linguists, speech–language pathologists, singers, actors, constructed language creators, and translators.

  5. Alphabet Inc. ist eine börsennotierte US-amerikanische Holding mit Sitz in Mountain View im kalifornischen Silicon Valley. Sie entstand im Oktober 2015 durch eine Umstrukturierung von Google und wurde dabei zur Dachgesellschaft der Google LLC und verschiedener vormaliger Tochtergesellschaften von Google.

  6. › wiki › ÄÄ - Wikipedia

    Ä in German Sign Language. A similar glyph, A with umlaut, appears in the German alphabet. It represents the umlauted form of a (when short), resulting in (or for many speakers) in the case of the long and in the case of the short . In German, it is called Ä (pronounced ) or Umlaut-A.

  7. IPA-Tabelle 2020 (deutsch) Das Internationale Phonetische Alphabet (kurz IPA) ist ein phonetisches Alphabet und somit eine Sammlung von Zeichen, mit deren Hilfe die Laute aller menschlichen Sprachen nahezu genau beschrieben und notiert werden können. Es wurde von der International Phonetic Association (kurz IPA) entwickelt, kam in seinem ...