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  1. 2 de out. de 2024 · Oct 27, 2017. 10,550. Australia. 1 minute ago. #106. 2049 for me. The original sounded like it was made for me, at least on paper. And while I love the atmosphere, music, and the many iconic scenes... it kinda falls flat otherwise. I didn't like Harrison's Deckard, and that rape-ish scene was disturbing as hell.

  2. 30 de dez. de 2012 · 至于影片的中文译名《银翼杀手》,很可能是译者的发挥,因为《Blade Runner: A Movie》的初版书封画着一只带翅膀的帆布鞋。. 这部影片在港台的译名很多,现译名据说是台湾发行录影带时改的,上映时叫做《公元2020》,香港上映时译名似同。. 然后在香港还有另 ...

  3. 6 de nov. de 2017 · k的独白-《银翼杀手2049》 我是一个“假货”。 我是人类制造的,我是连锁9型复制人。 我的身体素质很好,不怕疼,反应快,还是神枪手。 我的特点是“听话”,我专杀其它的“假货”,我是编制在洛杉矶警局的“银翼杀手”,我的代号是“k”。

  4. 2049的世界比30年前更加处于环境灾难边缘,地球生态系统已然崩溃。Ryan Gosling饰演的Nexus-9 Officer K受命退役不合格的复制人。 时间线上还有三部短片作为番外讲述这30年间的一些变化. Blade Runner: Black Out 2022 (2017) 2036: Nexus Dawn (2017) 2048: Nowhere to Run (2017).

  5. 6 de out. de 2017 · 懒人要勤动脑. 最近重温了电影《银翼杀手2049》,虽然电影故事长达160分钟,独自一人观看,却依然令人沉浸其中。. 电影首次上映于2017年,回想当日电影院中散落的四五个人,沉默无言的在电影院中坐了两个半小时。. 电影院的暗淡与电影的昏暗相得益彰,配 ...

  6. 4 de out. de 2017 · Fabrizio Tassi. Blade Runner e il suo film-replicante. Non esisteva altro modo per ri-vedere quel mondo, per abitarlo di nuovo. Un replicante di nuova generazione che lo porta più in alto e più lontano, molto vicino al simulacro di realtà in cui viviamo. Che addirittura contiene Blade Runner, come un corpo perfetto, sintetico, post-umano ...

  7. 28 de dez. de 2020 · Yes, the sound design is one of the reasons I love Blade Runner 2049 so so much. I know it’s technically a song, but that one specific sound at the lighthouse scene in Annihilation is pure bliss too. ~10 seconds in, but please watch the movie before:

  8. 6 de out. de 2017 · 完全没垮。. 2049故事背景虽然是建立在「银翼杀手宇宙」语境下,但和原著作者Phillip. K. Dick基本无关,完全是依导演和编剧对蓝本的理解而生的自主续集。. 和朋友一起观影,我们本科时曾以作者PKD系列作品为课题写过论文,听说会有续集时不太看好,但结束后 ...

  9. 1 de nov. de 2017 · 首先这个测试会给出一个你的baseline,片中是纳博科夫《微暗的火》:And blood-black nothingness began to spin A system of cells interlinked within cells interlinked within cells interlinked within one stem. And dreadfully distinct Against the dark, a tall white fountain played. 以下我们用一句中文诗歌替换 ...

  10. 片名Blade Runner: Black Lotus (2021),别名银翼杀手:黑莲 / 银翼杀手:黑芙蓉 / 银翼杀手:黒荷花 / 银翼杀手:黑荷。 《银翼杀手:黑莲花》是一部13集CG动画剧,故事发生在2032年的洛杉矶,时间点也是在短片《银翼杀手:2022黑暗浩劫》(Blade Runner: Black Out 2022 ,2017)之后,《银翼杀手2049》的17年前。

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