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  1. Antonín Josef Novotný (10 de dezembro de 1904 - 28 de janeiro de 1975) [1] foi secretário-geral do Partido Comunista da Checoslováquia entre 1953 e 1968, e também ocupou o cargo de presidente da Checoslováquia entre 1957 e 1968.

  2. Antonín Josef Novotný (10. prosince 1904 Letňany [1] – 28. ledna 1975 Praha [2]) byl československý politik a funkcionář Komunistické strany Československa. V letech 1953–1968 zastával funkci prvního tajemníka KSČ.

  3. Antonín Novotný was a Czechoslovak Communist leader who served as President and First Secretary of the Communist Party from 1953 to 1968. He was a hardliner who resisted reforms and was ousted by Alexander Dubček during the Prague Spring.

  4. Antonín Novotný (born Dec. 10, 1904, Letňany, near Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now in Czech Republic]—died Jan. 28, 1975, Prague) was a Czech communist leader of a Stalinist faction who was deposed in the reform movement of 1968.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. Antonín Josef Novotný foi secretário-geral do Partido Comunista da Checoslováquia entre 1953 e 1968, e também ocupou o cargo de presidente da Checoslováquia entre 1957 e 1968.

  6. Learn about the life and career of Antonin Novotny, who became the first secretary of the Communist Party and the President of Czechoslovakia after the 1948 coup. Find out how he faced the challenges of de-Stalinization, economic reforms, and the Prague Spring in the 1960s.

  7. Životopis a politická kariéra Antonína Novotného, prvního komunistického prezidenta Československa po únoru 1948. Zjistěte, jak se stal hlavním představitelem první krize režimu, jak usiloval o stabilitu a liberalizaci a jak reagoval na invazi vojsk Varšavské smlouvy.