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  1. Alan Curtis Kay (Springfield, 17 de maio de 1940) é um informático estadunidense. É conhecido por ter sido um dos inventores da linguagem de programação Smalltalk, e um dos pais do conceito de programação orientada a objetos, que lhe valeu o Prêmio Turing em 2003.

  2. › wiki › Alan_KayAlan Kay - Wikipedia

    Learn about Alan Kay, the pioneer of object-oriented programming, graphical user interface, and Dynabook concept. He worked at Xerox PARC, Apple, Disney, and HP, and received the Turing award in 2003.

  3. Alan Kay (born May 17, 1940, Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.) is an American computer scientist and winner of the 2003 A.M. Turing Award, the highest honour in computer science, for his contributions to object-oriented programming languages, including Smalltalk, and to personal computing.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  4. Alan Kay is a visionary inventor who conceived of laptops, graphical interfaces and object-oriented programming. He has worked at XeroxPARC, Apple, HP and Disney, and is now focused on creating tools for teaching and learning.

  5. Alan Kay is a computer scientist who invented many of the ideas behind object-oriented programming languages and personal computing. He led the team that developed Smalltalk and the Alto computer, and envisioned the Dynabook, a portable electronic device with a touch-screen and a keyboard.

  6. › @a1ankaymusicAlan Kay - YouTube

    My latest single, “HANDS UP IN THE SKY” is now available on every platform worldwide.“WORLDS GONNA END” MUSIC VIDEO - available here on my channel!New music ...

  7. Alan sabe que está propenso a encontrar situações além de seu controle e imaginação na Ilha de Vancouver. Ele deixou para trás sua mulher e filhos para agarrar essa oportunidade e está pronto para juntar todas as suas habilidades e ir até o seus limites – físicos, psíquicos e emocionais.

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    Alan Kay alone
    foto do Alan Kay
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