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  1. William Paul Young (Grande Prairie, 11 de maio de 1955) é um escritor canadense, mais conhecido por sua obra A Cabana, que vendeu mais de 15 milhões de cópias pelo mundo. [1]

  2. William P. Young is a Canadian author of The Shack, Cross Roads, Eve and Lies We Believe About God. He was born in Alberta, Canada, and lived in New Guinea as a child.

  3. William P. Young nasceu em Alberta, Canadá, no dia 11 de maio de 1955. Filho de missionários, antes de completar um ano de idade foi morar com os eles em Papua-Nova Guiné, no Sudeste Asiático. Conta que sofreu preconceito racial por ser a única criança branca do lugar e ter sido abusado sexualmente.

  4. 26 de abr. de 2021 · William P. Young é um autor aclamado pelos livros 'A Travessia', 'Eva' e o best-seller que se tornou um sucesso mundial: 'A Cabana'.

  5. Wm Paul Young is the bestselling author of The Shack, Crossroads and Eve. He invites you to join his community and explore life, God, the world and what it is to be fully human.

  6. › wm-paul-young-aboutAbout - Wm. Paul Young

    Learn about the life and journey of Wm. Paul Young, the author of The Shack, a best-selling novel that explores the nature of God and human relationships. Discover his unusual upbringing, his struggles and joys, and his passion for faith and grace.

  7. › channel › UCfOVPAAIhmooEX4DiIIttNgWm Paul Young - YouTube

    Watch videos by Wm Paul Young, the author of The Shack, Crossroads, Eve and Lies We Believe About God. Learn about his books, his views on God and the world, and his Renew Conference sessions.