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  1. Thomas Cromwell. (1485?–1540). Virtually the ruler of England from 1532 to 1540, Thomas Cromwell served as principal adviser to Henry VIII during those years. Cromwell established the English Reformation, seized the wealth of the monasteries for the Crown, and transformed the administration of the kingdom into a kind of civil service.

  2. 16 de mar. de 2015 · Thomas Cromwell served as Henry VIII’s chief minister from 1533 to 1540. Cromwell gained a reputation as an unscrupulous politician who, like Cardinal Wolsey, would do anything to advance himself and the power and wealth of Henry. Thomas Cromwell is most associated with the dissolution of the monasteries and the controversy that surrounded this event. …

  3. 4 de jan. de 2016 · But telling the two apart is not always easy, especially in a subject as fraught as the fall of Anne Boleyn. According to most biographies or other supposedly ‘factual’ accounts, with notable exceptions like George Bernard’s, Anne was falsely accused and destroyed by a conspiracy orchestrated by Thomas Cromwell.

  4. 22 de mai. de 2020 · Thomas Cromwell (l. c. 1485-1540 CE) served as chief minister to Henry VIII of England (r. 1509-1547 CE) from 1532 to 1540 CE. With his king and the Archbishop of Canterbury Thomas Cranmer (in office 1533-55 CE), Cromwell masterminded the English Reformation which saw the Church in England break away from the Pope in Rome and such momentous ...

  5. 4 de fev. de 2015 · Wolsey lacked the genius for the administration of his protégé and successor, Thomas Cromwell. But he was efficient and capable; when he found he could not control Parliament (it met only once during his years as chancellor), he simply refused to summon it.

  6. 12 de set. de 2014 · Thomas Cromwell's career as Henry VIII's chief minister defined one of the most explosive decades in English history. Cromwell is credited with engineering the country's break with Rome, and of masterminding the downfall of Anne Boleyn, before following her to the block a few years later. Tracy Borman traces the highs and lows of Henry's tumultuous relationship with his ruthless fixer...

  7. 4 de fev. de 2015 · Archbishop Thomas Cranmer Death By Execution. This dramatic account of Archbishop Thomas Cranmer’s execution was written by an anonymous bystander. Cranmer was executed on 21 March 1556. Imprisoned by the Catholic Queen Mary I, Cranmer wrote a recantation of Protestantism, but he denied that recantation before he died.