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3 de fev. de 2024 · Connect main Tenda node to the Hub3 (specifically port 4 on the Hub5). Turn on Hub3/5. Done. Any thoughts about this sequence? I'm under the impression that the benefit of having just one matching SSID name between Hub and Tenda is so that EVERYTHING in the house (smart devices, laptops, phones etc etc) is always connecting to just one network.
3 de fev. de 2024 · So, bottom line seems to be: 1) Put Hub3/5 in Modem mode. 2) Put Tenda (or any other brand) mesh with 1Gig ports in Bridge mode. 3) Ethernet from Hub3 to the first/main node. 4) Set Hub3 SSID name to match current Tenda SSID name. 5) Connect 8 port switch to one of the other ports on the back of the first/main node.
3 de fev. de 2024 · So, leave your Tenda as it is now, with the exception of you need to set it to DHCP and use the Hub in modem mode. As stated already, you can use any port on the Hubs. Historically it was port 4 nearest the power cable, but that no longer applies. With the Hub 5, port 4 is a 2.5Gb port for users on the 1Gb contract.
22 de fev. de 2013 · tenda无线路由器设置:设置拨号宽带连接 1 /5 连接好线,外线要插入wan 的端口,然后再用网线插入从其余的4个端口中的其中一个端口,并与电脑相连(网卡的IP设置为自动获取或者将IP设置为192.168.0.X(2-254之间)不是特别懂的用户请设置为自动获取)。
12 de mar. de 2024 · Initially boot up and connected, tested the speed and getting full gig speed. So changed to modem mode so try connect to the Tenda and that's where it all stopped! Try as I might, they two would not communicate in modem mode. (connected to port 4) When I reset the hub and it goes into router mode, it will talk to the Tenda, but not in Modem mode.
2 de mai. de 2024 · Had an Engineer visit and he recommended a Mesh System to bounce the Wifi signal around the house. I purchased a Tenda MW6 at a cost of £150 and this seemed to solve the issue of WiFi dead spots around the house so was happy even though it had cost me money. Recently been upgraded to Hub 5 (not by request) and 1GB Broadband.
腾达(tenda)在业内的评价怎么样? 匿名用户 结论更新:辣鸡,“跳板论”自我推翻,别去了 很没人情味的一家公司,某些领导拍胸脯保证,一看要离职忽悠不了就变脸,有些老员工也是离职前各种和你友好,一离职没有利用价值立马变脸。
30 de ago. de 2023 · I have followed all advice about setting it up, including powering down the Virgin hub once it's in set to modem mode, powering up the new router, waiting till it is stable, and then connecting the WAN port to the hub, but try as I might I cannot get an internet connection. The Tenda Nova suggests the connection is Dynamic IP, rather than ...
11 de fev. de 2020 · re.tenda.cn怎么登录,首先你要将腾达系列的扩展器通上电,手机连上扩展器生成的WiFi,在浏览器地址栏输入管理地址点击进入。以初次设置扩展器为例,接下来用图解的方式向大家介绍怎么登录。
24 de nov. de 2017 · 安装驱动程序:. 1/6 分步阅读. 可以通过包装盒内的安装光盘安装;若电脑没有光驱或无光盘,请登录腾达官网搜索产品型号下载相应的驱动进行安装。. 注意:若从官网下载,下载的软件包是压缩包,需要先解压缩,方法如下:. 2/6. 将网卡插在 ...