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Oxford University Press (OUP) - Academic Publishing
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12 de ago. de 2024 · Oxford University Press moves knowledge and learning forward. Discover our products, services, and latest thinking in education and research.
Position papers and focus papers (5 – 30 pages) Built on research and classroom practice, our position papers offer practical guidance on the major issues shaping language teaching. Our smaller focus papers offer bite-sized insights and tips for the classroom. Download now.
Oxford University Press (OUP) is a department of the University of Oxford, and shares the mission to further excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Oxford University Press publishes for three primary markets: research, education, and English language teaching.
Oxford University Press (OUP) is the publishing house of the University of Oxford. It is the largest university press in the world. Its first book was printed in Oxford in 1478, with the Press officially granted the legal right to print books by decree in 1586. [ 2 ]