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  1. › wiki › Camila_AlvesCamila Alves - Wikipedia

    Camila Alves is married to actor Matthew McConaughey since 2012 and has three children with him. She is also a model, a co-founder of the Just Keep Livin' Foundation, and a lifestyle website creator.

  2. 28 de out. de 2020 · O ator contou como conheceu a modelo em 2006, falando Espanhol e Português melhor do que nunca. Eles se casaram em 2012 e têm três filhos.

  3. 1M Followers, 1,269 Following, 2,631 Posts - Camila Alves McConaughey (@camilamcconaughey) on Instagram: "Wife, Mother of 3, & Woman on a mission. Founder @womenoftoday + Co-Founder @jklivinfoundation Co-Founder @pantalonestequila #JustTryOneBite book"

  4. 29 de jan. de 2024 · Learn how the actor and the model met, fell in love and started a family in 2006. See photos and details of their milestones, from their first date to their third child.

  5. 15 de set. de 2021 · A modelo e apresentadora brasileira Camila Alves revelou o “segredo do sucesso” de seu casamento de nove anos com o astro hollywoodiano Matthew McConaughey. A celebridade de 39 anos tratou do tema em entrevista ao site Hollywood Life.

  6. Conheceu o ator norte-americano Matthew McConaughey em 2006, com quem se casou e teve três filhos: Levi, nascido no dia 7 de julho de 2008, em Los Angeles, Vida, nascida no dia 3 de janeiro de 2010 e Livingston, nascido em Austin, Texas, em 28 de dezembro de 2012.

  7. 14 de out. de 2020 · The actor shares how he met his wife in 2006, why he never wanted to be with anyone else, and how they raise their three kids. He also reveals his new memoir, Greenlights, and his views on celebrity and success.