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Cosmo Kramer, usually referred to simply by his surname, is a fictional character in the American television sitcom Seinfeld (1989–1998) played by Michael Richards. The character is loosely based on comedian Kenny Kramer, Larry David's ex-neighbor across the hall.
Cosmo Kramer (usually referred to by just Kramer), played by Michael Richards, is the wacky neighbor and friend of Jerry Seinfeld. Cosmo was known only as “Kramer” for many years on the sitcom; not even Jerry knew his real first name.
Cosmo Kramer é uma personagem da sitcom americana Seinfeld interpretada por Michael Richards. Esta personagem foi baseada numa pessoa real, vizinho do roteirista Larry David. Ele tem vários apelidos ao longo do seriado (série), mas o mais usado é simplesmente "Kramer".
Immortalized as Cosmo Kramer on the classic sitcom Seinfeld (1989), West Coast comedy star Michael Richards was born on July 24, 1949, and raised in South Los Angeles, California, to Phyllis (Nardozzi), an Italian-American medical records librarian, and William Richards, an electrical engineer.
22 de nov. de 2013 · As Seinfeld's resident clown in the cast, Kramer has established himself as one of the most memorable TV characters ever. Here are his best moments.
24 de set. de 2022 · Kramer is definitely the most chaotic and a source of pure entertainment in "Seinfeld." Here are the best Kramer episodes of Seinfeld, ranked.
From Seinfeld Season 8 Episode 13 'The Comeback': As Jerry discovers he's been duped by a hapless tennis pro, George seeks revenge against a co-worker's cutting remarks; Kramer enlists Elaine's...