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  1. Há 23 horas · グラミー賞に8度ノミネートされ、ダイヤモンドの認定を受けた最強無敵のロック・プリンセス、Avril Lavigneによる、待望のキャリア初ベスト・アルバム『Greatest Hits』が6月21日にリリースされることが決定した! 今作はデビュー曲「Complicated」から2022年リリースの「Im A Mess (With YUNGBLUD)」まで主要 ...

  2. Há 23 horas · I want to know how to move a model so it follows my mouse the same way that a part would because I’m working on a building system with placements and I can’t figure this out very well. I tried to mess with the primary part, but it only moved the primary part alone and not the rest. I cannot use welds either because let’s imagine that I’m trying to move a door; it would already contain ...

  3. Há 23 horas · You can’t really blame Steffy especially when it comes to Sheila. I’m sorry but knowing who Sheila is, that is a compromise that’s not and should not happen. Sheila is too much a wild card to be taking that risk especially when they are young children involved. If Finn wants to take that risk then that’s his choice but that would mean the end of his marriage because he shouldn’t ...

  4. Há 23 horas · I’m expecting my 2nd in a few weeks and I have a goal to exclusively breast feed the first month. With my first, we did not have the best/easiest breast feeding journey (traumatic birth with a long NICU stay and brain injury, so I was a mess) so I ended up breast feeding a little but mainly pumping. I’ve taken some breast feeding courses in ...

  5. Há 23 horas · (First, I’m not good at english. Sorry) I have to make equipment like flashlight, Camcoder, PDA(for watching CCTV) And they share same battery At First, I implemented those equipment in character code because they have to turn on with key binding. Then I realized character.cpp is mess since code of equipment implement. So I thought I should make a separate class of equipment codes. Here’s ...

  6. Há 23 horas · Auf der Hauptbühne des Kehler Messdi gibt es heute (Samstag) eine Änderung im Programm. Top-Act Soffie musste ihren Auftritt absagen - mit großem Bedauern, heißt es von der Stadt Kehl. Der Keyboarder hat sich an der Hand verletzt. Für Vertretung ist gesorgt: Damona springt spontan ein. Die Konzerte der jungen Künstlerin waren bereits bei ihrer Debüt-Tour im vergangenen Winter ausverkauft.