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  1. Los Broxas têm o orgulho de apresentar o Hydra 2.1.0! Adicionamos novos recursos excelentes: Amigos; Suporte para novas opções de download; Bloco opcional para jogos NSFW; Redesenho do perfil; E muito mais!

  2. Hydra Launcher stands out as a game launcher that prioritizes user experience by being completely ad-free, ensuring a smooth and uninterrupted interface. It features an embedded BitTorrent client for seamless download, and a self-managed repack scraper for gathering the latest repacks.

  3. Em vez de iniciar manualmente um novo download quando o atual é concluído, agora o Hydra inicia automaticamente o próximo na fila. Além disso, reformulamos a página Downloads e basicamente refizemos a forma como o Hydra gerencia seus downloads, resultando em mais estabilidade e corrigindo muitos bugs.

  4. 16 de abr. de 2024 · Hydra is a Game Launcher with its own embedded BitTorrent Client. The launcher is written in TypeScript (Electron) and Python, which handles the torrenting system by using libtorrent.

  5. Hydra Community Links. A collection of community-made resources for the Hydra Launcher. All sources can be installed by simply clicking the "Install on Hydra" button.

  6. 13 de mai. de 2024 · Hydra is a Game Launcher with its own embedded BitTorrent Client and a self-managed repack scraper. The launcher is written in TypeScript (Electron) and Python, which handles the torrenting system by using libtorrent.

  7. Este servidor é dedicado a comunidade do Hydra Launcher, onde podemos conversar, jogar e ajudar! | 24236 members.

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