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19 de ago. de 2013 · Elopement and abandonment. Shelley had married Harriet Westbrook five years before, when he was 19 and she still at school. She was a friend of Shelley's younger sisters, and he met her soon...
Harriet Westbrook was born in 1795 and eloped with Percy Bysshe Shelley in 1811. She had two children with him, but he left her for Mary Godwin in 1814. She died by suicide in 1816.
A defense of Harriet Shelley, the first wife of Percy Bysshe Shelley, who was deserted by him and slandered by his second wife Mary. The web page challenges the common assumptions about Shelley's motives for leaving Harriet and his attraction to Mary, and questions Mary's intellectual abilities.
Harriet Westbrook was the wife of poet Percy Shelley and the mother of his children. She committed suicide in 1816 after discovering his affair with another woman.
22 de abr. de 2014 · A biography of Harriet Shelley, the wife of poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, who died in mysterious circumstances in 1816. Learn about her life, marriage, children, and legacy in this article by Eleanor Fitzsimons.
Quatro meses após sua expulsão da universidade, em 28 de agosto de 1811, Shelley casou, aos 19 anos, com Harriet Westbrook, de 16, uma colega de suas irmãs, filha de um taverneiro. Casaram-se em Edimburgo, segundo os ritos da igreja escocesa, apesar de Shelley ser contra o casamento formal.
In the first place, it will be remembered that after Harriet's death in i8i6 the Westbrooks instituted proceedings in the Court of Chancery with a view to combating Shelley's claim to the custody of his motherless children, little lanthe and Charles.