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Great Barrington Declaration. As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection. Sign the Declaration.
- Video
From October 1-4, 2020, the American Institute for Economic...
- About
How did the Great Barrington Declaration Come About? Why was...
Does the Great Barrington Declaration advocate for “Letting...
- Focused Protection
The aim of focused protection is to minimize overall...
- Signatures
Concerned Citizens 671,662 - Medical & Public Health...
- Deutsch
Die Great Barrington Erklärung Als Epidemiologen für...
- Great Barrington Declaration
グレートバリントン宣言 ―...
- Italiano
Questa dichiarazione è stata redatta e firmata a Great...
- Video
An open letter published in 2020 that proposed ending lockdowns and achieving herd immunity by shielding the vulnerable. It was criticized by many public health experts and organizations as dangerous and unscientific.
A Declaração de Great Barrington é uma declaração redigida e assinada no Instituto Americano de Pesquisa Econômica [en] em Great Barrington, Massachusetts em 4 de outubro de 2020. [ 1][ 2] Defende uma abordagem alternativa baseada em risco para a pandemia de COVID-19 que envolve a "Proteção Focada" daqueles que estão em maior risco e busca evita...
8 de out. de 2020 · O que é a Declaração de Great Barrington? O movimento começou nos EUA e emitiu uma declaração que já foi assinada por quase 6 mil pesquisadores e 50 mil pessoas do público comum. Há...
25 de nov. de 2020 · A middle ground between lockdowns and "let it rip" for COVID-19, focusing on protecting older and high-risk people while reducing harm to others. Learn the scientific facts, ethical arguments, and practical policies for focused protection from the Declaration co-signers.
7 de out. de 2020 · What is the Great Barrington Declaration? The movement started in the US. And the declaration has now been signed by nearly 6,000 scientists and medical experts across the globe as well as...
A Declaração de Great Barrington Como epidemiologistas de doenças infeciosas e cientistas da saúde pública, temos sérias preocupações sobre os impactos prejudiciais para a saúde física e mental das políticas prevalecentes da COVID-19, e recomendamos uma abordagem a que chamamos Proteção Focalizada.