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  1. Launched as an April Fool's Day gag in 2012, Google's Underwater Search lets you float queries onscreen amid sea creatures. Toggle between scenes like coral reefs, shipwrecks, or a shark encounter. Engage with the underwater realm using your mouse and uncover hidden treats.

  2. Plunge into the Underwater Search quest with Google. Invoke the might of Thanos and snap your search results into a new reality. Call upon Batman with the Bat-Signal to safeguard Gotham City!

  3. Mergulhe em uma aventura marinha com a Pesquisa Subaquática do Google! Esta pegadinha do Dia da Mentira traz um efeito de gravidade subaquática distinto, permitindo que você pesquise em meio a maravilhas aquáticas.

  4. O modo subaquático do Google Earth, disponível também no Google Maps, permite visitar e explorar diversas regiões submarinas do mundo, em fotos tiradas em 360 graus usando a mesma tecnologia...

  5. Starting today, you can use Google Maps to find a sea turtle swimming among a school of fish, follow a manta ray, and experience the reef at sunset.

  6. › web › data=MkEKPwo9CiExUmYtWlQ0Google Earth project

    Discover the beauty and diversity of the underwater world with Google Earth. Explore the Atlantic Ocean, the Great Barrier Reef, and more with interactive maps and videos.

  7. 25 de set. de 2012 · Whether you’re a marine biologist, an avid scuba diver or a landlocked landlubber, we encourage you to dive in and explore the ocean with Google Maps. Check out our complete underwater collection, featuring a Google+ underwater Hangout from the Great Barrier Reef.

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