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  1. 21 de mai. de 2024 · FocusWriter lets you create themes, set goals, and track your progress in a minimalist interface. Download the latest version for Windows, Linux, or source code, or send a tip to support the project.

    • Report Bug

      Report a bug in FocusWriter. I try to fix every report that...

  2. O Focus Writer é um programa gratuito multiplataforma e de código lire. Ele oferece estatísticas em tempo real de palavras, parágrafos, suporte para dicionários, organização com guias e a possibilidade de estabelecer metas diárias.

    • (1)
    • Windows
    • Utilitiesapplication
    • 1.8.6
  3. FocusWriter é um programa que permite escrever sem distrações, com tela cheia e personalizada. Você pode usar imagens de fundo, configurar o tamanho, a cor e o tipo de letra, e salvar o texto em formato .TXT.

  4. FocusWriter allows you to customize your environment by creating themes that control the font, colors, and background image to add ambiance. It also features on-the-fly updating statistics, daily goals, multiple open documents, spell-checking, and much more.

  5. 14 de ago. de 2024 · FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It provides a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen. You can customize your editing environment using themes, fonts, colors, and background image.

    • (1)
    • Windows
    • Gerenciamento de Documento
  6. Focuswriter is a minimalist writing software that lets you focus on your text without distractions. See the latest releases, bug fixes, code improvements, and translation updates on GitHub.

  7. 6 de out. de 2021 · Neste tutorial, saiba como instalar o processador de texto FocusWriter no Linux, usando pacotes Flatpak. O FocusWriter permite que você personalize seu ambiente criando temas que controlam a fonte, cores e imagem de fundo para adicionar ambiente.

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