Resultado da Busca
Search all the ads currently running across Meta technologies, as well as: Ads about social issues, elections or politics that have run in the past seven years; Ads that have run anywhere in the EU in the past year; To find an ad, search for keywords or an advertiser.
A Biblioteca de Anúncios do Facebook permite acessar e gerenciar anúncios veiculados na plataforma, oferecendo ferramentas para criar e acompanhar o desempenho das campanhas.
Explore Meta's Ad Library to search and analyze ads running across Meta technologies, including social issues and political ads.
A Biblioteca de Anúncios do Facebook permite pesquisar e obter informações sobre anúncios ativos nos produtos da Meta.
Search all the ads currently running across Meta technologies, as well as: Ads about social issues, elections or politics that have run in the past seven years; Ads that have run anywhere in the EU in the past year; To find an ad, search for keywords or an advertiser.
Ad Library - Meta Business Suite
Explore anúncios políticos e de temas de interesse no Brasil e outros países na Biblioteca de Anúncios do Facebook.
Search and view all ads running on Meta technologies, including those related to social issues, elections, or politics.
Explore and search all ads running across Meta technologies, including ads about social issues, elections or politics.
A Biblioteca de Anúncios do Facebook permite explorar anúncios políticos e de interesse em diversos países, promovendo transparência e acesso a informações.