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  1. Emma Goldman}} Emma Goldman nasceu em 27 de junho de 1869, em Kaunas na Lituânia, no interior de uma família ju-dia. Em 1885 emigraria pa-ra os Estados Unidos, fugindo dos pais que a submetiam a uma vida de opressão e puritanismo. Chegando aos EUA Emma Goldman passou a trabalhar em uma in-

    • Chapter 1: Anarchism: What It Really Stands For
    • Chapter 2: Minorities Versus Majorities
    • Chapter 3: The Psychology of Political Violence
    • Chapter 4: Prisons: A Social Crime and Failure
    • Chapter 5: Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty
    • Chapter 6: Francisco Ferrer and The Modern School
    • Chapter 7: The Hypocrisy of Puritanism
    • Chapter 8: The Traffic in Women

    The history of human growth and development is at the same time the history of the terrible struggle of every new idea heralding the approach of a brighter dawn. In its tenacious hold on tradition, the Old has never hesitated to make use of the foulest and cruelest means to stay the advent of the New, in whatever form or period the latter may have ...

    If I were to give a summary of the tendency of our times, I would say, Quantity. The multitude, the mass spirit, dominates everywhere, destroying quality. Our entire life — production, politics, and education — rests on quantity, on numbers. The worker who once took pride in the thoroughness and quality of his work, has been replaced by brainless, ...

    To analyze the psychology of political violence is not only extremely difficult, but also very dangerous. If such acts are treated with understanding, one is immediately accused of eulogizing them. If, on the other hand, human sympathy is expressed with the Attentäter,one risks being considered a possible accomplice. Yet it is only intelligence and...

    In 1849 Feodor Dostoyevsky wrote on the wall of his prison cell the following story of The Priest and the Devil: “‘Hello, you little fat father!’ the devil said to the priest. ‘What made you lie so to those poor, misled people? What tortures of hell did you depict? Don’t you know they are already suffering the tortures of hell in their earthly live...

    What is patriotism? Is it love of one’s birthplace, the place of childhood’s recollections and hopes, dreams and aspirations? Is it the place where, in childlike naivety, we would watch the fleeting clouds, and wonder why we, too, could not run so swiftly? The place where we would count the milliard glittering stars, terror-stricken lest each one “...

    Experience has come to be considered the best school of life. The man or woman who does not learn some vital lesson in that school is looked upon as a dunce indeed. Yet strange to say, that though organized institutions continue perpetuating errors, though they learn nothing from experience, we acquiesce, as a matter of course. There lived and work...

    Speaking of Puritanism in relation to American art, Mr. Gutzon Borglum said: “Puritanism has made us self-centered and hypocritical for so long, that sincerity and reverence for what is natural in our impulses have been fairly bred out of us, with the result that there can be neither truth nor individuality in our art.” Mr. Borglum might have added...

    Our reformers have suddenly made a great discovery — the white slave traffic. The papers are full of these “unheard-of conditions,” and lawmakers are already planning a new set of laws to check the horror. It is significant that whenever the public mind is to be diverted from a great social wrong, a crusade is inaugurated against indecency, gamblin...

  2. por Emma Goldman* A dúvida reina no espírito dos homens, pois nossa civilização treme em suas bases. As instituições atuais não mais inspiram confiança e os mais inteligentes compreendem que a industrialização capitalista vai contra os próprios objetivos que diz perseguir. O mundo não sabe como sair disso.

  3. View PDF. Philosophy Political Philosophy Anarchism Feminism. Neste texto, apresento a vida e as obras escritas pela anarquista e feminista lituana Emma Goldman (1869-1940), a partir dos principais acontecimentos de sua vida, focando especialmente nos eventos que moldaram o seu pensamento filosófico. Tendo em.

    • Ingrid Meurer
  4. Emma Goldman (1869-1940) foi uma revolucionária anarquista de origem russa, que em 1886 emigrou para Rochester (EUA), e assim como a maioria dos imigrantes do leste europeu que chegavam a solo norte-americano, tornou-se funcionária de uma indústria têxtil e

  5. Neste breve texto, as palavras de Emma Goldman sobre as trabalhadoras que se envolveram com o comércio sexual serão tomadas como um pretexto para uma reflexão sobre algumas questões relativas à pesquisa do tema no campo da história social e, em particular, sobre o lugar que as leis e as fontes judiciais ocuparam na historiografia ...