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Mandy Moore - Cry (tradução) (Letra e música para ouvir) - I wanted to hold you / I wanted to make it go away / I wanted to know you / I wanted to make your everything, all right....
4 de nov. de 2001 · Find the lyrics of Cry, a song by Mandy Moore from the soundtrack of A Walk To Remember. The song was produced by James Renald and Peter Mokran and written by James Renald.
Mandy Moore - Cry (tradução) (Letra e música para ouvir) - / I'll always remember... it was late afternoon / It lasted forever, but ended so soon / Yeah You were all by yourself / staring up at a dark gray sky / I was.
5 de jan. de 2020 · Watch and listen to the song Cry by Mandy Moore with lyrics displayed on the screen. The video was uploaded by MyPlaylist, a YouTube channel with 136K subscribers.
- 4 min
- 8M
- MyPlaylist
31 de ago. de 2020 · Watch the lyrics video for "Cry" by Mandy Moore, a song from her album 7 Clouds. The video also includes the link to the lyrics website and the hashtags related to the song.
- 4 min
- 209,2K
- Pillow
Watch the lyrics of Mandy Moore's song Cry on a short video by Rosexian. Follow Mandy Moore on social media and streaming platforms for more music and updates.
- 4 min
- 2,8K
- Rosexian
"Cry" is a song by American recording artist Mandy Moore, released on November 4, 2001 by Epic Records. It was written by James Renald, and co-produced by Renald and Peter Mokran. The song was released as the third and final single from her self-titled third studio album.