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  1. If you want to download all student submissions for an assignment, you can download them as a bulk download. All submissions are downloaded as a single ZIP file that you can use to grade submissions on your computer offline. If a student has resubmitted an assignment, only the most recent submission will be included in the ZIP file.

  2. Você pode acessar o Canvas por meio de um URL do Canvas específico da instituição, o site da sua escola, um e-mail de convite do curso, ou o aplicativo Canvas Student para iOS ou o aplicativo Canvas Student para Android. Você deve ter uma conta para fazer login no Canvas. Veja as etapas de solução d...

  3. In Files, you can download a file or folder from any file storage area in Canvas. Learn how to locate your user files, course files, and group files. 00:07: How do I download a file or folder? 00:10: Click the line item for the file. Click the download icon. 00:14: Or click the options icon and the...

  4. 26 de mai. de 2020 · In order to download an original video that you've previously uploaded to Studio, you should be able to click on the video in your Studio library. Then, on the upper right-hand side of your screen, there is a three-dot kebab icon with options for "Share", "Download", and "Delete".

  5. Download the Canvas Student app on your iOS device for easier accessibility to course content. The images in this lesson are shown for a phone display, but unless otherwise noted, tablet displays mirror the same steps. Open App Store Open your iOS device and tap the App Store icon. Open Search ...

  6. Topics for All Users For general information, feature descriptions, and details on topics such as Canvas Mobile, Help, Calendar, Courses, Dashboard, ePortfolios, Files, Global Navigation, Inbox, Profile and User Settings, Rich Content Editor, and Web Services, visit the Canvas Basics Guide for all user roles.

  7. Se você ainda não possui uma conta no Canvas, você precisa criar uma conta antes de realizar o acesso ao Canvas. Se está usando o Canvas através de sua instituição, você provavelmente já possui uma conta e precisa aceitar o convite do curso. Sua instituição irá enviar um e-mail com suas credenciais ...

  8. 15 de mar. de 2022 · In Modules, when I attempt to download a pdf my instructor has posted, I get 3 options when I click the download icon to the right of the file name; Preview, Download, and Alternative Formats. When I click Download (with Chrome settings for PDF Documents set to Download PDFs), it attempts to open th...

  9. As a student, you can download all your assignment submissions in Canvas. Submissions are for both current and concluded courses and only includes any files that were submitted to fulfill an assignment; they do not include any submissions modified by instructors, such as annotated submissions. The d...

  10. 11 de jan. de 2020 · Ah! Thank you for the additional explanation. That makes more sense now. To my knowledge, there is no Canvas app for you to download on your Windows 10 laptop. Just download either the Mozilla Firefox or the Google Chrome web browser (I prefer Chrome) to your laptop, and then sign in to Canvas using your school's Canvas URL.

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