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  1. brightideas.oxfordonlinepractice.comBright Ideas

    Oxford Online Practice is an online course component for English Language Teaching coursebooks from Oxford University Press.

  2. Coleção: Bright Ideas Este curso de sete níveis oferece um pacote flexível que garante o sucesso nos exames e incentiva os alunos a desenvolver habilidades do século 21 por meio de jogos e atividades criativas.

  3. English Language Teaching Home Page | Oxford University Press

  4. This seven-level course offers a flexible package that guarantees exam success and encourages students to develop 21st century skills through creative games and activities.

  5. Discover Bright Ideas Online Practice, a fun and interactive way to learn English with Oxford coursebooks. Watch videos, play games, and more.

  6. Bright Ideas - Nível 2 - Kit Digital do Aluno (Class Book e-book, Activity Book e-book e online practice) SKU: 9780194856355 Preço normal R$ 431,00 BRL

  7. Each level has two pages of festival material which helps student´s activate new language through real-world concepts. Three extended texts per level provide ample reading opportunities for students to develop reading skills and put vocabulary into practice.

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