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Breakout rooms let meeting hosts divide participants into smaller groups during meetings. Learn how to create, edit, join, and end breakout rooms in Google Meet on different devices and platforms.
Learn how to use Google Trends to find related searches for any term, location, or time range. See how to identify rising searches, breakout searches, and how to report inappropriate content.
You're signed in to a Google Account. You're an anonymous user (not signed in to a Google Account). You use Meet hardware. A Meet hardware device can't be pre-assigned to a breakout room before the meeting. You need to connect from a Google Meet meeting room to be assigned to a breakout room. You can't participate in breakout rooms if:
Create breakout rooms in advance on Google Calendar. In, choose either: For a new meeting. Create a new Google Calendar event. Click Add Google Meet video conferencing. Add participants. Click Change conference settings . On the left, click Breakout rooms . Choose the number of breakout rooms, then select an option:
Your Google Workspace Edition or Google One subscription determines your access to different Google Meet features. Find out what editions have access to which Premium Google Meet features. Tip : To get generative AI features like studio look and studio lighting in Meet, sign up for a Gemini for Google Workspace add-on.
Sie sind ein anonymer Nutzer, der nicht in einem Google-Konto angemeldet ist. Sie verwenden Meet-Hardware. Ein Meet-Hardwaregerät kann einem Breakout nicht vor der Videokonferenz zugewiesen werden. Damit Sie einem Breakout zugewiesen werden können, müssen Sie zuvor in einem Google Meet-Konferenzraum sein.
Calling is available in the new Meet app. Get started with calling in Google Meet to stay connected with friends and family.
Calling is available in the new Meet app. Get started with calling in Google Meet to stay connected with friends and family.
Compare different Google Workspace editions and Google One plans to access various Google Meet features, such as breakout rooms, live streaming, polls, and more. Find out how to upgrade your subscription or use Google Meet with a phone.
Ruang kerja kelompok adalah fitur yang memungkinkan penyelenggara rapat untuk membagi peserta ke dalam grup yang lebih kecil selama rapat. Pelajari cara membuat, mengedit, dan menggunakan ruang kerja kelompok di Google Meet dengan menggunakan Google Kalender atau selama rapat.