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  1. She might have married a doctor, choreographed the high-school senior show and worried about things like stains on the carpet and commutes. But she did meet Kelly and lived instead the life that...

  2. 19 de mar. de 2009 · Betsy Blair, an Academy Award-nominated actress also known for her forthright memoir describing her youthful marriage to Gene Kelly and her firsthand experience of the Hollywood blacklist,...

  3. › wiki › Betsy_BlairBetsy Blair - Wikipedia

    There she met Gene Kelly; they were married the following year, when she was age 17 and divorced sixteen years later in 1957. After work in the theatre, Blair began her film career playing supporting roles in films such as A Double Life (1947) and Another Part of the Forest (1948).

  4. Connie interviewed Betsy Blair, January 2003, on her newly released autobiography “And The Memory of All That.”Courtesy of Clar...

    • 27 min
    • 7,5K
    • Mostlydaydreaming
  5. 11 de mai. de 2003 · In her new memoir, “The Memory of All That: Love and Politics in New York, Hollywood and Paris,” stage and screen actress Betsy Blair describes her chance meeting at age 16 with Gene...

  6. 23 de mai. de 2003 · The choreographer of its new show was Gene Kelly, who had just started to make a name for himself on Broadway; as Blair recalls in her wonderful memoir, she was immediately struck by his...

  7. › name › nm0086198Betsy Blair - IMDb

    At around the same time, she met dancer extraordinaire Gene Kelly and married him in 1940. Despite her background in dance, Betsy was admittedly not in the same league as a Vera-Ellen , Cyd Charisse , or Ann Miller , so she was never afforded the opportunity to glide with Gene in films.