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31 de ago. de 2013 · 3. If you want to zoom In/Out the code file /source window use this below method. press Alt key + scroll Mouse wheel up for Zoom In and scroll Mouse wheel down for Zoom Out. If you want to zoom In/Out the output window/terminal use this below method. press Ctrl key + scroll Mouse wheel up for Zoom In and scroll Mouse wheel down for Zoom Out.
23 de out. de 2008 · The Laravel has a folder vendor) - files that you not use directly. Click on your "project" > properties. In left side, select "ignore folders" (I don't no how is in english, but is before 'Frameworks'). In right side, click on "add folder", chose de folders - this will make your Netbeans 8 faster.
10 de jan. de 2014 · Netbeans 7.x. Tools -> Plugins -> Available -> Dark Look and Feel - Install this plugin. Once this plugin is installed, restarting netbeans should automatically switch to Dark Metal. There are 2 themes that comes with this plugin - Dark Metal & Dark Nimbus. In order to switch themes, use the below option :
21 de ago. de 2009 · 7. Here's the complete procedure to auto-indent a file with Netbeans 8. First step is to go to Tools -> Options and click on Editor button and Formatting tab as it is shown on the following image. When you have set your formatting options, click the Apply button and OK.
28 de ago. de 2017 · 60. The list of keyboard shortcuts can be found in the NetBeans Wiki. Turn On/Off Search Result highlights. Alt + Shift + H. Add/remove comment. Should work for all languages. Ctrl + / or in mac ⌘ + /. edited Feb 21, 2014 at 12:34. Michel Ayres.
19 de mai. de 2017 · What worked for me is: make sure java path is available: $ which java. /usr/bin/java. then in etc/netbeans.conf make sure netbeans_jdkhome is commented out. in Finder go to /bin/ click on netbeans (terminal icon) You would expect ./netbeans --jdkhome=/usr/bin/java to work, but it doesn't for some reason.
24 de mar. de 2020 · Right Click on the project folder, then click properties. Get to the tab run. Now type in the direction of your Main class you want to run: package + name of the class. example: package name: com.mycompany.myproject class name: -> directory of Main Class: com.mycompany.myproject.MyClass. click ok and try again.
11 de mar. de 2013 · Under Preferences -> Editor -> Code Completion is where you can find the auto complete properties. You can disable the 'Auto Popup Completion Window' to keep it from automatically popping. You can bring up the auto complete popup with the hotkey: control+space. Also while the completion window is displayed, pressing the esc will close it ...
1. create libs folder in src/main/java folder of the project. 2. copy past all library jars in there. 3. open build.gradle in files tab of project window in project's root. 4. correct main class (mine is mainClassName = 'uz.ManipulatorIkrom') 5. and in dependencies add next string: apply plugin: 'java'.
6 de ago. de 2015 · I wonder if there is a way to tell to the IDE to autosave any file if modified. I've searched the web but I haven't find anything. There was a module on NetBeans 7 but it is not available now on NB 8. Anyway it appears that the old plugin can be set to execute save all on a given interval.