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  1. Há 2 dias · Publicaban a Virginia Woolf, Gertrude Stein o Vita Sackville-West y fotografiaban a mujeres que lucían las últimas novedades de Chanel o Vionnet y a otras con pantalones anchos o camisas blancas ...

  2. Há 5 dias · Discover the story of Vita Sackville-Wests life at Knole through to her wedding and bittersweet departure in 1913. This story will be brought to life around you with a new multimedia tour guiding you through key moments in Vita’s life.

  3. Há 3 dias · Historic, poetic, iconic: a refuge dedicated to beauty. Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson fell in love with Sissinghurst Castle and created a world-renowned garden. Biddenden Road, near Cranbrook, Kent, TN17 2AB

  4. Há 5 dias · Daria TOLOKONNIKOVA (Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, France) “Amateurship, beauty, and gardening in Vita Sackville-West’s Some Flowers” Florence PINARD-NELSON (Royal Holloway University of London, U.K.) “Transforming School Gardening: the work of Chrystabel Procter, 1916-1950)” 10.30am Discussion. 10.50am Break

  5. Há 3 dias · The relationship of Vita Sackville-West and Virginia Woolf has earned a place in literary history, and continues to fascinate with its allure of the unconventional, bohemian, and charmingly eccentric. On December 15, 1922, Virginia Woolf recorded in her diary that she had met “the lovely aristocratic Sackville-West last night at Clive’s.

  6. Há 5 dias · In November 1924, Virginia Woolf wrote to Vita Sackville-West that she had been to visit Hardy’s wife, Florence, and had also met Mew, ‘the greatest living poetess,’ whose work she recommended in admiring terms to her Bloomsbury peers.

  7. Há 2 dias · Woolf had several affairs with women, the most notable being with Vita Sackville-West. The two women developed a deep connection; Vita was arguably one of the few people in Virginia's adult life that she was truly close to.