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  1. Há 5 horas · Víkend klepe na dveře a to znamená relax! Našly jsme pro vás na Netflixu tři filmy s fantastickou Meryl Streep, které se vám trefí do nálady prakticky kdykoliv. Ať už se chcete bavit, nebo se dojmout. Jsou to zkrátka takové evergreeny, stejně jako samotná Meryl. Věřila byste, že je tato žena na výsluní už neskutečných padesát let?

  2. Há 5 horas · D r Eric Fogey teaches modern English Literature at one of the smaller Cambridge colleges. He is a short, stout man with a red face, luxuriant muttonchop whiskers and an unfortunate habit of seeming to appear many years older than his actual age.

  3. Há 5 horas · There’s no denying that Rooney’s protagonists share an alarmingly narrow BMI range, which has been widely derided in a popular genre of tweets that can be summarised as “Skinny Rooney walked ...

  4. Há 5 horas · 2016년 프란체스카 웨이드(Francesca Wade)가 TLS(The Times Literary Supplement, 영국의 문화잡지) 페이지에서 지적한 것처럼, 블룸즈버리와 관련된 많은 사람들이 집은 그 안에 사는 사람들의 취향과 태도에 의해 물리적으로 형성될 뿐만 ...

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