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  1. We work together to deliver the best education in London and across the world. Learn more about our federation. University of London is the UK’s leading provider of digital and blended distance education internationally and a federation of 17 esteemed higher education institutions.

  2. A universidade é composta por 17 instituições membros e três órgãos acadêmicos centrais. A universidade tem cerca de 48 000 estudantes externos de ensino à distância e cerca de 219 410 estudantes internos baseados no campus, tornando-se a maior universidade em número de estudantes no Reino Unido.

  3. 13 de ago. de 2018 · Você sabe quais são as melhores universidades de Londres? Veja a lista, bolsas de estudo e auxílio para o visto.

  4. 15 de jun. de 2024 · As universidades em Londres, Inglaterra estão listadas nos rankings 32. Todos os rankings universitários e resenhas estudantis em um só lugar e com detalhes. Satisfação do aluno, reputação Acadêmica.

  5. The University of London is a world-leading university with around 40,000 students studying across more than 190 countries. We are a national leader in the humanities, and we promote their value to society and the economy through knowledge creation and exchange.

  6. Das 17 universidades vinculadas à Universidade de Londres, nove estão listadas entre as 500 melhores instituições de ensino superior do mundo, segundo o QS World University Ranking 2022. Algumas das universidades que constituem a Universidade de Londres não aparecem no ranking geral da QS, mas estão entre as melhores em seu campo ...

  7. Universities UK. Website. The University of London (UoL; abbreviated as Lond or more rarely Londin in post-nominals) is a federal [a] public research university located in London, England, United Kingdom.

  8. Learn more about UCL. Find degrees, short courses and more. What are you looking for? Undergraduate. Graduate taught. Graduate research. Teacher training. Study abroad. Summer School. Short courses and CPD. Undergraduate prospectus. Browse undergraduate programmes. Discover how UCL changes the world.

  9. Queen Mary University of London is an established university in London's vibrant East End committed to high-quality teaching and research; offering both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

  10. Home

    The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-leading international social science specialist university, based in the heart of London.

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