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  1. Leiden University, The Netherlands, was founded in 1575 and is one of Europe’s leading international research universities. It has seven faculties in the arts, sciences and social sciences, spread over locations in Leiden and The Hague.

  2. A Universidade de Leiden tem seis faculdades, mais de 50 departamentos e uma excelente reputação internacional. Em 2012, foi a universidade dos Países Baixos mais bem classificada no Times Higher Education World University Rankings, onde foi considerada a 64ª melhor universidade do mundo

  3. Leiden University (abbreviated as LEI; [8] [9] Dutch: Universiteit Leiden) is a public research university in Leiden, Netherlands. It was founded as a Protestant university in 1575 [10] by William, Prince of Orange as the first university in the Netherlands.

  4. 8 de jul. de 2024 · International Students. By choosing Leiden University, you’ll be choosing to broaden your personal and academic horizons. You’ll be in excellent company too because you’ll be part of an inspiring community of students, lecturers and professors from all over the world.

  5. De Universiteit Leiden is een internationaal georiënteerde universiteit met een breed palet aan talentgericht onderwijs voor goede en gemotiveerde studenten, dat wordt geïnspireerd door wetenschappelijk onderzoek.

  6. The first, and therefore oldest university in the Netherlands, established by William of Orange. Ranked in the world’s top 100. Located in two vibrant student cities: Leiden and The Hague. A founding member of the League of European Research Universities.

  7. A Universidade de Leiden, ou, na sua forma portuguesa, de Leida, localizada na cidade de Leiden, é a mais antiga universidade dos Países Baixos. A universidade foi fundada em 1575 por Guilherme I, príncipe de Orange, líder da Revolta Holandesa durante a Guerra dos Oitenta Anos.

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    o fundador da Universidade de Leiden