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Northwestern is one of the country’s leading private research and teaching universities, located in Evanston, IL. Our highly collaborative environment provides our diverse students and faculty with exceptional opportunities for personal and professional growth.
14 de ago. de 2023 · A Universidade Northwestern, nos EUA, tem vencedores do Prêmio Nobel, mais de 40 ganhadores do Pulitzer, além de diversos chefes de estado
A Northwestern University (em português Universidade do Noroeste) é uma respeitada universidade de pesquisa localizada em Evanston, Illinois, Estados Unidos.
Você já ouviu falar na Universidade Northwestern? Provavelmente não, certo? Localizada no estado de Illinois, essa ilustre desconhecida aqui no Brasil é uma das melhores universidades dos Estados Unidos e, se o seu sonha é estudar no país, pode ser uma ótima opção pra você.
List of colleges and universities in Ohio. The state of Ohio is home to a number of public and private institutions of higher learning. Prior to statehood, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 included a provision to establish an institution of higher education in what became Ohio.
Find application procedures and explore the unique strengths of Northwestern University, a world-class research institution with six undergraduate schools and more than 80 major options. Northwestern is located in Evanston, Illinois, just minutes from Chicago.
UNOH is a private, not-for-profit University founded in 1920. Within the university are five colleges: College of Business, College of Applied Technologies, College of Health Professions, College of Occupational Professions, and the Graduate College. Online degrees are available for most areas of study.