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Há 1 dia · La Horde sauvage (film, 1969)
- Jerry Fielding
- Sam PeckinpahWalon Green
- Sam Peckinpah
- The Wild Bunch
Há 2 dias · In February 2002, Wild Bunch, an international sales company that had recently spun off from its former parent StudioCanal, picked up the international sale rights for the film outside of Asia and France. [58] The company would then on-sell it to independent distributors across the world.
Há 5 dias · The Wild Bunch follows a roving gang of criminals, who rob a train transporting armaments in order to sell them to a rogue Mexican army tormenting Mexico. For 2,000 years, White western philosophers and society have focused on ‘beauty.’
Há 3 dias · Successful films of the early New Hollywood era include Bonnie and Clyde, The Graduate, Rosemary's Baby, Night of the Living Dead, The Wild Bunch, and Easy Rider while films that failed at the box office such as New York, New York, Sorcerer, Heaven's Gate, They All Laughed and One from the Heart marked the end of the era.
Há 3 dias · あらすじ. 1913年、パイク率いる強盗団が鉄道会社の金庫を強襲。 しかし、これはパイクたちをおびき寄せる罠だった。 命からがらメキシコに逃げ込み、一味の1人・エンジェルの故郷にやってきたが、エンジェルの恋人はマパッチ将軍の政府軍に連れ去られていた。 監督. サム・ペキンパー. 脚本. サム・ペキンパー. ウォロン・グリーン. 出演者. ウィリアム・ホールデン. アーネスト・ボーグナイン. ロバート・ライアン. ウォーレン・オーツ. ベン・ジョンソン. エドモンド・オブライエン. ストローザー・マーティン. もっと見る. 動画配信. PR. U-NEXT. 初回31日間無料. 定額見放題. U-NEXTで今すぐ見る. >>動画配信サービスの詳しい情報を見る.
- 137
- サム・ペキンパー
- サム・ペキンパー, ウォロン・グリーン
Há 4 dias · As for Ben Johnson, a genuine cowboy from Oklahoma, he brought realism and a no-nonsense attitude to his roles in classics such as The Wild Bunch and She Wore a Yellow Ribbon. His authentic presence made him a true asset to the Western genre for decades.
Há 4 dias · Our expertly curated list includes both old and new Western action movies, praised by critics and audiences alike for their compelling narratives, unforgettable performances, and stirring portrayals of life in the Wild West.