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The story revolves around an old man who lives in a cave in the cliffs surrounding the corrie loch under the Lochnagar, a mountain which overlooks the royal estate at Balmoral in Scotland where the Royal Family spend much of their summer holidays.
1 de jan. de 2001 · After eavesdropping on people having picnics, the old man decides he should visit London to see for himself the place he has heard so much about. However, after meeting some other grumpy passengers and a disasterous start to his rail journey, he decides that he would rather stay at home after all.
1 de jan. de 1980 · The Old Man of Lochnagar. Hardcover – January 1, 1980. An old, cave-dwelling man attempting to climb a cliff falls into the Loch of Lochnagar, where, after sinking for one hour, he meets lagopus Scoticus, a bubble-blowing god of the sea.
- Prince of Wales Charles, Hugh Maxwell Casson, Juvenile Collection (Library of Congress)
It introduces the old man of Lochnagar - a delightfully energetic and carefree character who roams the hills and lochs around Balmoral, interacting with the birds and fish, and also the stranger, secret inhabitants of the locality.
114.1M. 23 unnumbered pages : 21 x 27 cm. The old man of Lochnagar leaves his comfortable cave after many years to make some adventurous expeditions into the surrounding Scottish countryside.
It introduces the old man of Lochnagar - a delightfully energetic and carefree character who roams the hills and lochs around Balmoral, interacting with the birds and fish, and also the...
11 de ago. de 2020 · 130.6M. 1 volume (unpaged) : 21 x 26 cm. The old man of Lochnagar leaves his comfortable cave after many years to make some adventurous expeditions into the surrounding Scottish countryside. Originally published: Hamish Hamilton, 1980. Access-restricted-item.