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The Lenny Henry Show is a comedy sketch show (and in its 1987–1988 incarnation, a sitcom) featuring Lenny Henry. It was originally broadcast between 1984 and 1988, and was later revived twice, in 1995 and 2004–2005.
- Sketch Comedy , Sitcom
The Lenny Henry Show: With Lenny Henry, Vas Blackwood, Michael Mears, Gina McKee. Sitcom version of The Lenny Henry Show (1984), featuring the misadventures of pirate radio DJ Delbert Wilkins.
- (123)
- Lenny Henry, Vas Blackwood, Michael Mears
- Rmike
12 de out. de 2022 · The Lenny Henry Show is a comedy sketch show featuring Lenny Henry. It was originally broadcast between 1984 and 1988, and was later revived twice, in 1995 and 2004–2005. See more on Wikipedia. The original version of the show ran for two series on BBC 1 in 1984 and 1985. Each series had six episodes. A 40-minute special was aired in December 1987.
- 427 min
The Lenny Henry Show is a comedy sketch show featuring Lenny Henry. In its first incarnation it ran for two seasons on BBC 1, in 1984 and 1985. Each season h...
- 29 min
- 23,9K
- trucker 2005
The Lenny Henry Show: With Lenny Henry, Robert Bathurst, Carla Mendonça, Lyndam Gregory. A sketch show featuring many different characters and spoofs.
- (137)
- Lenny Henry, Robert Bathurst, Carla Mendonça
3 de out. de 2007 · Memorable characters included Theophilus P. Wildebeeste - the soul singing 'one man sex machine', and Deakus - the elderly philosophising Jamaican. The Lenny Henry Show returned to screens in...
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