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  1. The Jacket: Directed by John Maybury. With Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley, Kris Kristofferson, Jennifer Jason Leigh. A Gulf war veteran is wrongly sent to a mental institution for insane criminals, where he becomes the object of a doctor's experiments, and his life is completely affected by them.

    • (120K)
    • Drama, Fantasy, Mystery
    • John Maybury
    • 2005-03-04
  2. › wiki › The_JacketThe Jacket - Wikipedia

    The Jacket is a 2005 American science-fiction psychological thriller film directed by John Maybury and starring Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley, Kris Kristofferson and Jennifer Jason Leigh. It is partly based on the 1915 Jack London novel The Star Rover, published in the United Kingdom as The Jacket. [4]

  3. Directed by John Maybury. With Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley and Daniel Craig.The Jacket Blu-ray : Jacket Streming : https://amzn....

    • 2 min
    • 11,5K
    • HD Retro Trailers
  4. Jack Starks é um veterano da Guerra do Golfo que retorna à sua cidade natal após se recuperar de um tiro na cabeça. Ele passa a sofrer de amnésia e, após ser acusado de ter assassinado um policial, é recolhido a um hospital psiquiátrico.

  5. Starcks é imobilizado numa camisa de força e trancafiado, por períodos longos, em uma gaveta para cadáveres, no sótão de um necrotério. A mente de Starks, drogada e desorientada, o transporta ao futuro, onde ele conhece Jackie (Keira Knightley), e descobre que está fadado a morrer em quatro dias.

    • (130)
    • John Maybury
    • 14 anos
    • Adrien Brody
  6. The Jacket is a sci-fi thriller about a time-traveling amnesiac veteran (Adrien Brody) and a mysterious woman (Keira Knightley). Read critics' reviews, watch the trailer, and see the cast and crew of this 2005 film.

    • (162)
    • Sci-Fi, Mystery & Thriller
    • R
  7. › detail › The-JacketThe Jacket - Prime Video

    The Jacket. In the vein of Memento and showcasing star talent including Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley, Daniel Craig and Jennifer Jason Leigh, this dark psychological thriller will keep you guessing until the very end.

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