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Resultado da Busca

  1. A famous poem about a disastrous cavalry charge in the Crimean War, where six hundred soldiers rode into a hail of cannon fire and died. Read the full text, analysis and historical context of this classic war poem.

  2. Learn about the famous military action by British light cavalry against Russian forces in the Crimean War, resulting in many casualties and a poem by Tennyson. Find out the background, order, outcome and legacy of the charge.

    • 25 October 1854
    • Russian victory
  3. Read the full text of Alfred, Lord Tennyson's narrative poem about the British cavalry's suicidal charge in the Crimean War. Learn about the historical context, literary devices, themes, and annotations of the poem.

  4. The Charge of The Light Brigade é um poema escrito por Alfred Lord Tennyson no século XIX, que conta a história da Carga da Brigada Ligeira durante a Batalha de Balaclava, que aconteceu em 1854, na Guerra da Crimeia, e envolveu os impérios britânico e russo.

  5. Learn about the poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson that celebrates the heroism of the British cavalrymen in the Crimean War. Find summary, analysis, themes, symbols, poetic devices, and more.

  6. Learn about the disastrous British cavalry charge against Russian troops at the Battle of Balaklava in 1854, during the Crimean War. Find out how the charge was immortalized by Alfred, Lord Tennyson in his poem.

  7. A narrative poem by Alfred, Lord Tennyson about the Crimean War battle of 1854. Learn about the poem's history, composition, revisions, cultural references and Kipling's postscript.

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